Medical Yoga Women's Health
Why a deep dive into Medical Yoga and women's health? Both in working with people and in life in general, we meet people with different challenges.
After working with people over many years, especially many women, it is often the same challenges that we see repeating themselves.
There are many people who struggle with PMS, endometriosis, infertility, menopause and the like, and these numbers are increasing. It is now the case that we are created different, but at the same time society and life shape us. It turns out that some of it is passed on genetically, but most of it is stress from the environment we live in. It's fantastic to think that we can change and control how we feel to a large extent, especially when we have such a powerful tool as Medical Yoga available.
We take women's health seriously and have through many years acquired theoretical and practical knowledge of how to support the body in the best possible way.
Do you want to acquire knowledge about women's health and how Medical Yoga can function as support? Then this certification program may be for you.

We have probably all noticed at one point or another in our lives that the days are different, but making our days as good as possible and supporting the body both mentally and physically is essential for this.
We at Medisinsk Yoga Norway think that we all carry something with us in life that can feel heavy to bear - but through good tools we can strengthen ourselves so that what we carry does not stop us from strolling on in life's path. ;
We have met several women with various "women's problems" who have been told that this is just something they have to live with.
We have not settled on this. We wanted to explore this further and will now share with you useful tools which have been of great support to several people.
Practical info
Course instructors are Cathinka Devor and Marianne Feydt.
You can read about their background under the tab "About us" and "The team".
The certification course runs over two days
You get a manual with theory and yoga programs.
Price: NOK 4990
Start: 10 and 11 February 2024, at 10:00-16:00
Where: Drammen