Medical Yoga Self-care
Being a healthcare professional/therapist is associated with special requirements and challenges. This involves working days where you are a helper in a meeting with people who are in pain. The role of therapist means that you get close to suffering. It turns out that to be in contact with
people with mental and/or physical difficulties can be a burden for the therapist. Complex cases, lack of recovery and sad fates can be thought to constitute a burden
Terms such as vicarious traumatisation, secondary traumatisation and care fatigue have been introduced since the 1990s to describe the burdens people in helping professions may experience as a result of their profession.
Even after these concepts were launched, within today's health and care professions there is still a one-sided focus on the work you have to do, and a particularly insufficient (or no) focus on what the job can do to you and how to prevent and deal with it the burdens associated with the work one performs.
There is a humility and a respect for the complexity involved in working with things that have to do with the human. In this module we take a closer look
how healthcare personnel/therapists best
possible can provide health care without it being at their own expense.
The purpose of the module is to prevent and relieve stress.
In this module you will learn about:
Stress psychology
Stress physiology
How to face brooding and worry
Programs in Medical Yoga
Techniques and exercises for use in everyday life
Attention training
Prevention of burnout

Sertifiseringsprogrammet passer for deg som har tatt min. 2 moduler hos oss og som ønsker å lære hvordan du kan jobbe 1:1 i din praksis.
For deg som yogalærer kan dette sertifiseringsprogrammet bidra til hvordan du kan legge til rette for individuell oppfølging.
Innhold i denne modulen:
Etikk og verdier
Kroppens naturlige avspenningsresponser
Kunnskap og teknikker for egenomsorg hos yogalærer, både før, under og etter 1:1
Relasjonelle ferdigheter
Teknikker for «førstehjelp» i hverdagen
Å utvikle ferdigheter for å støtte de følelsesmessige responsene hos deltageren
Du får tilgang på et gruppeforum for å utveksle ideer og erfaringer med andre yogalærere
Practical info
Course instructors are Anette Haugnæss and Marianne Feydt.
You can read about their background under the tab "about us".
The certification course runs over two days, at 10:00-16:00
You get a manual with theory and yoga programs.
Price: NOK 4990
Where: Nedre Storgate 12, Drammen