Welcome to Medical Yoga Norway
Medisinsk Yoga Norge (MYN) is an educational institution consisting of a team of doctors, physiotherapists, trauma therapists and nurses (with additional training as midwives and acupuncturists.) All of them are yoga teachers with long experience of yoga, and especially yoga for people who struggle with stress, trauma, pain and sleep. We are concerned that what we offer is rooted in research, and is in dialogue with research environments.
Our intention is to make medical yoga available where people stay, such as rehabilitation centres, nursing homes, hospitals, associations and organisations. By offering modules adapted to health challenges and as prevention, employees and volunteers are certified in the relevant module so they can offer Medical Yoga to their user groups. The modules also work as a good supplement to other treatment you receive from the health service.
Certifying employees and volunteers helps to ensure that Medical Yoga can be offered as an activity and as often as you wish. The experiences from the arenas where this form of yoga has been offered show the satisfaction of the participants because the exercises are accessible and simple. Several have experienced this as an activity they master, which increases their activity level, strengthens self-care and improves their quality of life. Our yoga programs can be implemented as a whole or as individual techniques as support in everyday life.
To take a module with us, it is not necessary to have experience of yoga, but it is important for us to mention that certification in a module is not compatible with starting a yoga studio. But one module may be enough to offer exactly the programs you learn as an activity where you work. By taking a module, you get a manual with the programs and theory about the background for choosing the exercises for the specific health challenge.
We at Medisinsk Yoga Norge are concerned with quality and safety. The exercises are based on research and experience, and both pilot studies and research studies will also be carried out on several of the modules we offer. All our modules are taught by yoga teachers with subject and experience expertise in the specific modules.
The modules are offered in Drammen and Oslo, but we also travel around to workplaces and carry out professional days and certifications for personnel groups. If there are modules you are missing, please send us an email - because we also create yoga programs to order.
We look forward and look forward to contributing to the prevention and strengthening of the overall health of the population in Norway.
Kommende utdanninger
Starts Mar 14
6,990 Norwegian kronerStarts Mar 28
2,490 Norwegian kronerStarts Apr 26
4,990 Norwegian kronerStarts May 9
4,990 Norwegian kronerStarts May 24
4,990 Norwegian kronerEnded
4,990 Norwegian kronerEnded
4,990 Norwegian kroner

Medisinsk Yoga Norge har solid erfaring med å styrke folkehelsen gjennom sertifisering av ansatte og frivillige i organisasjoner. Både Sanitetsforeningen, Revmatikerforbundet og Fibromyalgiforeningen tilbyr nå medisinsk yoga til sine medlemmer.
Siste nytt er vårt samarbeid med organisasjonen FORUT, som har invitert oss til Nepal for å sertifisere helsepersonell lokalt.